Emergency Text & Email Alerts
Danville Area Community College offers an Emergency Text Messaging system, RAVE Mobile Safety, to students, faculty, staff, and critical stakeholders. Students will be automatically enrolled in the system at the start of each fall term. This communication service may be used in the event of a potential, developing, or existing on-campus emergency, or advisories about closings and/or class cancellations, possibly due to inclement weather. Please note, standard text messaging rates from your cell phone service provider will apply. Students may opt-out of the service by contacting the Vice President of Student Services at 217-443-8746.
Danville Area Community College will use to Rave Mobile System and Rave Guardian App to communicate any emergency messages. Students, faculty, and staff will also be able to communicate/report any incidents on campus through DACC Rave Guardian App. We will continue to use a variety of other methods as appropriate, including email, posting on the DACC website, and local radio and television stations.